Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Dueling Laptops

Tonight our friend, Andy came over for a visit.  I was unimpressed when he showed up sans puppy... 
Adorable puppy who DIDN'T come

Andy is Brandon's friend from grade school- and also his gaming friend.  Andy is the reason Brandon obsessively plays XBox and on his new gaming laptop.  Thanks Andy.  -_-

So, he comes over with his laptop in hand, and they sit down on the edges of the couches ready to participate in their World of Warcraft activities.  *sigh*  This is what my world looks like right now:
Andy managed to lean out of the picture
I keep hearing WoW comments like, "guild rage", "meet me in that room and kill the giant spider", "we've got to look up the next quest", "can you just summon me?", "the quest starts down here, I've got to go talk to that elf", "this guild raids everyday", "I miss Rift", "you're right I have night slayer pants" etc etc. 

Periodically, Andy and Brandon will touch feet accidentally while stretching their legs.  This sparked a conversation about the fact that they have known one another for 20+ years, and touching toes/feet isn't a big deal.  Which then led to Andy saying once he's known me for 20 years he will touch my toes too.  We all know I HATE toes and feet- I told Andy NEVER to touch my feet...even after 20 years! 
This is going to be the rest of my evening.  I hope  you've got something better planned.

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