Monday, 14 November 2011


The purpose: Men grow dirty, 80's inspired pedophile moustaches in support of men's health and most specifically, prostate cancer.  From November 1-30 they grow these upper lip hairs and gain as much money for cancer research and raise awareness with moustaches.

The reality: Men grow dirty 80's inspired pedophile moustaches and say they support men's health.  From November 1-30 they grow these upper lip hairs and ask for no money for cancer research and look like 80's pornstars with moustaches.

Movember has a few rules (according to the Movember Canada website
1. "Mo Bros" must begin with a clean shaven face on November 1
2. They must grow a moustache for the entire month of November
3. They cannot connect their "mos" to their sideburns- as this would make it a beard
4. They cannot connect the handlebars to their chins- as this would make it a goatee
5. Each "Mo Bro" must conduct himself as a country gentleman

While the idea is a good one, and the cause is most definitely a good one- the men around us begin to grow what they can in an uncommon fashion and disgusting the women in their lives.  A reader of this blog came up with an excellent suggestion for the women who must endure the men in their lives sporting the 'stache: for the entire month of November women everywhere should refuse to shave their legs.  Our way of supporting men's health and prostate cancer!  Why can't we jump on board too?

Women worldwide- unite!  To show our support for men's health!  Resist shaving for the remainder of the month and pass around the word.  We too can help support and create awareness for cancer research.  Why didn't we think of this for our breast cancer month?

Leave it to men to come up with an idea like Movember.

Thankfully, this year Brandon is not participating in Movember, but he sure did last year.  And oh what a treat it was for me.

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