We considered going camping- but it's always so busy and the cost can grow quite fast with food, supplies, gas etc.
Drinking is possibly the cheapest activity, but at the risk of sounding like alcoholics, we can drink quite substantial amounts with little effects (we are Irish and Newfie, ya know).
Fireworks can be fun, depending on the location. Unfortunately, we couldn't afford to buy our own though- and the ones that are put on by the city are good, but so busy...So all this to say, for our Canada Day long weekend we enjoyed some good old fashioned relaxation at home time. It was actually quite nice to have basically no plans. We managed to get the entire weekend off together- which is usually rare but seems to have happened twice this month. We visited with my horse, Sophie, who after eating the apple we brought her proceeded to sneeze-cough a portion of it (along with some grass and spit) right onto Brandon's face! I laughed for a long while after that... including 45 minutes later driving in the car on our way home. He didn't seem to find it quite as funny as I did... but that doesn't matter- cause if it happened to me he'd find it equally as hilarious. I tried to take a picture before wiping him off, but he strictly forbid it.
We also started (and finished) Lego Batman 2 for Xbox. Those Lego games rock! It all started with my Lego Pirates of the Carribbean game I got for my Wii many months ago when Brandon was married to his Xbox (so I had something to do too), and we got hooked. We finished Lego Pirates (twice- once on Wii, once on Xbox), tried Lego Star Wars (weren't fans) and now Lego Batman 2. Even though we completed all the levels there is still so much extra stuff to do. So now we're working on that. How is that for a long weekend of fun?!
What did you do for your Canada Day weekend? And for the American neighbours- with the holiday more fresh in your memories... or at least I hope so- what did you do to celebrate your country's birthday? Other country readers- how do you generally celebrate your country's national holiday?
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