Thursday, 1 November 2012

Halloween on the Cheap

If you know me personally you know I'm cheap frugal. I hate spending my hard earned money on items that will only be used once (which is also very wasteful), or I just don't feel are worth my money. But that doesn't mean I don't like to have fun!

So, for my work's Halloween event I wanted to make sure I showed them how resourceful I can be with materials I already had, while still showing my sense of humour. It's unfortunate no one really got it. But I digress. Below is how I made my costume:

Firstly, I grabbed my home design magazines I had already been through (to rip out the pages I was inspired by) and found IKEA ads that had thicker paper. Took those pages out of the magazine and grabbed the toilet paper holder from the bathroom to trace a circle.

After 3 circles had been traced on the (almost) cardstock ad paper, I cut them out.

I then traced those circles onto my coloured papers-green, yellow & red. The papers I used for the colours came from our wrapping stash, using green shiny wrapping paper, and tissue paper and cellophane for the red. In the end I had something that looked like this:

I assume you now see it's a traffic light of sorts. But this wasn't good enough for me. So I purchased a dollar store, LED battery operated push on/off light (generally used for closets etc) and using medical tape adhered it to the top of my chest, taping the red tissue paper & cellophane on top of the light. I then taped the other two coloured circles (which I had earlier glued to the thick ad paper) onto my black outfit in their proper order. Knowing I needed to better identify myself a bit, I taped a street sign replica with the word "DISTRICT" down my leg.

Do you get it yet? My red light was lit up using the small light I bought for $1, and I had a street sign "DISTRICT" down my leg. Red-light district! No one really understood it at work, thus I didn't win the contest. But I had fun anyway.

It's hard to tell but my red light is lit up
Hope you all had a great Halloween!

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