Thursday, 8 November 2012


OK, let's talk about it. The elephant in the room- Movember.We've all seen those beards (or clean-shaven faces) turn into moustaches on the men's faces (possibly some of the women's too... just taking a month off from waxing?) And let's be honest, most men don't improve their appearance with a moustache. This isn't 1976. And those women who claim to love Movember...who are you trying to impress? Seriously, it's got to be someone...
I think we can all agree, the idea of raising awareness and money for men's cancers is fantastic, but do we really need to don lip sweaters? Many people aren't aware of all the different moustaches that exist... let me help you with this website which is a really good example of types of moustaches, and what men think they look like, versus what they actually look like.

Last year Brandon didn't participate in the terribly unfortunate "holiday" of Movember because he was involved in job interviews. This year he's got a job...and a moustache. It didn't start as a moustache however. At first it was a beard. And what a beard it was!

Thanksgiving, but could also pass for Brandon's whaling application
Halloween- he was a lumber jack, because it's the only thing that made sense
Do you see that thing? It took over his face. So, close to the end of October, he decided to shave the beard (breaking a Mo' Bro rule) into a moustache. And in typical Brandon fashion it had to make a statement.

This picture is a bit blurry but the only evidence I have of his handlebar moustache
This was no ordinary moustache folks! This was a full-on horseshoe moustache! Reaching all the way down to the sides of his chin. Does it remind you of anyone? (besides his dad?)

 You may have gone with Hulk Hogan...
Or possibly even John Travolta...?

But as soon as I saw it, I knew what Brandon was going for...
The Lorax!!

Right, Brandon? ... Brandon? Hmmmm, seems not.

That horsehoe only lasted a couple of weeks though before shit got serious! And by serious, I just mean into a regular kind of moustache. This is where we're at now.
This also happens to be Brandon's "I've got a moustache" expression. Fitting.
Movember has become a wide-spread event, perhaps even bordering on being added into the dictionary like other slang/made-up words have been known to do? It's obvious I can't fight it. My revolution I organized died out years ago, so if you can't beat 'em, join 'em right?

Waldo was inspired to don a moustache for at least a day or so in November, to show his support. And if you don't have a tattoo to draw on, why not give this a shot?

So there you have it folks, the story of Brandon's Movember support and alternatives for those who don't want to, or can't, grow a moustache. Don't say I've never been helpful.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Turns Out Rap Isn't bad

I listen to all sorts of music, and I've got some guilty pleasures I don't care to admit to. But rap hasn't ever really been one of the top genres of music I've tuned into.

That is until Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake did some compilations....

Click to Watch

And now I realize I like lots of rap. Especially of the Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake variety!

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Halloween on the Cheap

If you know me personally you know I'm cheap frugal. I hate spending my hard earned money on items that will only be used once (which is also very wasteful), or I just don't feel are worth my money. But that doesn't mean I don't like to have fun!

So, for my work's Halloween event I wanted to make sure I showed them how resourceful I can be with materials I already had, while still showing my sense of humour. It's unfortunate no one really got it. But I digress. Below is how I made my costume:

Firstly, I grabbed my home design magazines I had already been through (to rip out the pages I was inspired by) and found IKEA ads that had thicker paper. Took those pages out of the magazine and grabbed the toilet paper holder from the bathroom to trace a circle.

After 3 circles had been traced on the (almost) cardstock ad paper, I cut them out.

I then traced those circles onto my coloured papers-green, yellow & red. The papers I used for the colours came from our wrapping stash, using green shiny wrapping paper, and tissue paper and cellophane for the red. In the end I had something that looked like this:

I assume you now see it's a traffic light of sorts. But this wasn't good enough for me. So I purchased a dollar store, LED battery operated push on/off light (generally used for closets etc) and using medical tape adhered it to the top of my chest, taping the red tissue paper & cellophane on top of the light. I then taped the other two coloured circles (which I had earlier glued to the thick ad paper) onto my black outfit in their proper order. Knowing I needed to better identify myself a bit, I taped a street sign replica with the word "DISTRICT" down my leg.

Do you get it yet? My red light was lit up using the small light I bought for $1, and I had a street sign "DISTRICT" down my leg. Red-light district! No one really understood it at work, thus I didn't win the contest. But I had fun anyway.

It's hard to tell but my red light is lit up
Hope you all had a great Halloween!